Tree Farm

Episode 8 - George Kessler 

George Kessler Podcast

I Couldn't Have Done Anything More Rewarding
Podcast by: Leadership Nature and SC Tree Farm
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021

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On this episode of the Land of Legacy series, you’ll sit with, laugh with and travel through Tree Farm history with Dr. George D. Kessler, Professor Emeritus of Forestry at Clemson University.

George wasn’t brought up in and around the woods, but the woods sure grew up around him. His early career trajectory began in an agricultural field, but quickly turned into a passion for forestry. This passion has rubbed off on thousands of forestry students, forest industry professionals, school teachers, kids, and Tree Farmers. From humble beginnings, you’ll hear about Georges’ first forestry job out west, landing his job at Clemson, developing breakthrough education strategies long before cable TV, and collaborating widely to grow his reach and meet those demands in the name of forestry education.

However, George didn’t just teach forestry at Clemson and to landowners statewide; he also taught it right at home. When his kids asked for some money, he showed them right where to find it, in the woods, growing trees, growing a work ethic, and growing their own investment all at the same time.

You’ll marvel at his career that has touched many thousands of lives and many millions of acres that are better off today for George having lived and loved forestry. Along his journey, he met many wonderful landowners, but a special guest on this episode reveals some surprising stories you may not have heard before.

  • 2002 Clemson Cooperative Extension Superior Performance Award
  • 2002 National Technology Transfer award from Society of American Foresters
  • 2014 Henry Hardtner award for landowner education from Southern Group of State Foresters
  • 2015 Charles H. Flory Distinguished Service Award from the Forestry Association of South Carolina
  • 2017 Lifetime Achievement Recognition by the South Carolina State Government and the Forestry Association of South Carolina
  • 2018 National Leadership Award of the American Tree Farm System

This is just a short list of the many awards and accomplishments Dr. Kessler has received over the years, but stay to the end of the show to find out his true reward.

Listen now, and share this series with others, who – like our SC Tree Farmers – love the land and put the family in family forestry!

George Kessler Podcast
George Kessler Podcast
George Kessler Podcast
George Kessler Podcast
George Kessler Podcast
George Kessler Podcast